
Amazon Web Service - Basic Architecture

Basic Architecture Of AWS AWS is simply called Amazon Web Services which also have a set of cloud services and are mostly invested by startups, top-notch companies, and government agencies as well. It is completely a cloud services platform which is secured and will offer computer power, content delivery, database storage and other functionality in a bid to enhance business development within a short duration. This AWS platform is also built with amazing applications such as reliability, flexibility, and scalability. With the just few clicks with Amazon Web Services technology, one can perform any services like data warehousing to deployment tools and content delivery to directories etc. Brief Information about AWS Architecture Below diagram is the basic structure of AWS architecture where it provides cloud computing services accordingly. It is considered as the basic structure of AWs architecture or AWS EC2. Simply, EC2 is also called as Elastic Compute cloud which...

Why Do You Need to Know About Kubernetes Architecture?

To understand the architecture of Kubernetes, it is necessary for you to understand what Kubernetes is and what is the primary use of this tool is all about.  Well, the article will help you understand the basic details about the Kubernetes Architecture below: Let us know understand what Kubernetes is and what is the use of containerization? K8s is another name for the Kubernetes. It is classified under open source system category. Few bullet points about Kubernetes in general: With the use of Kubernetes, the software development and maintenance model is completely decentralized.  The use of this tool emphasizes the use of open collaboration process. Peer production is the primary aspect when it comes to open source software category As per the notion, open source means: the blueprints, source code, documentation are freely available and anyone can utilize and build on top of it. I.e. nothing but customization.  Most of the open source products are...

In Detailed about Top 10 Logging DevOps Tools

Introduction: In this article, we will go through the importance of logging for any kind of an application, and what does it take to have a good logging framework put in place in your DevOps pipeline. We will discuss about quite a few tools today and also see what advantages these tools bring to the table, if they are put in your DevOps pipeline. We will also see the better patterns that we ought to follow for providing all the necessary details for someone who tries to understand if there are any issues and at the same time we will also try to understand how not to overdo something of these kinds where the crucial business data gets spilled all over your application logs using any such log frameworks. Logging is a trivial part of the whole software development process, can sometimes be ignored or given the least priority. But let me tell you, from where (the experience and the background) I come, it means a lot to understand what caused an error and what are the sequence of event...

Facts About Kubernetes Ingress | Kubernetes Ingress Overview

Introduction: A portable extensible open source platform that is used in management of containerized services and workloads is known as Kubernetes. Kubernetes helps in facilitating both automation and also declarative configuration. This has a wide and rapidly growing ecosystem and it has extensive support, services and tools. In the year 2014, the Kubernetes project was open sourced by Google. Need for Kubernetes and its uses There are number of Kubernetes features and it is:- A container platform A micro services platform A portable cloud platform and many more  A management window that is container centric is provided by Kubernetes and it choreographs networking, computing, and also storage infrastructure for the workload of the users. This helps in providing simplicity of platform as a service that has the flexibility of infrastructure as a service. It also helps in enabling portability throughout infrastructure providers. Kubernetes as a platform  Kuber...